Algonquin Books of
Chapel Hill opened for business in 1983.
Their founding philosophy still holds true. Their edict is “to publish quality fiction
and non-fiction by undiscovered young writers, and to keep our books in print,
reaching new fans for many years to come” ( A recent novel, The Atomic Weight of Love by Elizabeth Church, clearly demonstrates
the adherence to these goals.
This debut novel is
a sweeping tale of love, science, secrecy, and women’s evolving roles. Meridian Wallace studies birds at the
University of Chicago, where she meets Alden Whetstone, a brilliant and
complicated physicist. He opens her eyes
to the wonders of science and the connection between her birds and
physics. As Meridian is about to go off
to graduate school, Alden is called to a top secret government project, later
known as “The Manhattan Project.” Later
they marry and she moves to New Mexico and puts her graduate studies aside.
The amazing thing
about the story is the role women were forced into during the 40s and 50s. Meri, as she is known, lives at a boarding
house, and a boarder offers her some dating advice. Church writes, “‘You can’t just talk about
any old thing, Meri. Knowing you, you’ll
end up lecturing him about the compositions of eagles’ nests or the migration
patterns of some obscure bird species.’ // “‘What’s wrong with that? He’s in my biology class.’ // “‘You have to
flatter them,’ […] ‘Pick a topic they know, something they like talking about’”
(13). Later on, as Meri yearns to
formalize her bird studies by attending graduate school, Alden quashes her
plans. She has little in common with the
other wives in New Mexico, all of whom seem interested only in diapers,
recipes. and keeping their husbands happy.
Alden was about 20 years older than Meri, who exhibits some childish
traits. On the train to New Mexico, Meri
describes the compartment. “My sleeping
compartment was a girl’s dream of a doll house with clever miniature soaps, a
single rose in a slender vase, and turn-down service” (52). Meri’s mother writes to her, “I didn’t teach
you enough about how couples get along or about the necessary compromises wives
must make” (129). When Alden suggests
they consider having a baby, Church writes, “‘A baby would be fulfilling, give
you a purpose,’ […] ‘A child might just be the answer you need Meri’”
(138). She resists.
As the 50s close and
the 60s cultural revolutions take hold, Meri is increasingly lonely. All she has to herself are her notebooks on
the crows she studies and some sketches.
The one day, she meets a young geologist, Clay, and they begin an
affair. This strains their marriage,
Meri begins thoughts of leaving Alden.
Then Clay wants Meri to run away with him, but she feels tied to Alden
and refuses.
This bare bones
summary leaves out lots of interesting details of the three main characters,
some of which provides quite a surprising ending. Each chapter cleverly introduces a bird
species as the title, which neatly shows interesting aspects of Meri, Alden,
Clay, and several others. Elizabeth J.
Church’s debut novel, The Atomic Weight
of Love, offers an interesting and detailed look at the way women evolved
over the last 60 years to become the interesting and independent women of
today. 5 stars.
--Chiron, 12/22/16